


USGS Retirees Newsletter                                                                                                        

Newsletters are available in PDF format.

May 2024
Feb 2024

Nov 2023
Aug 2023
May 2023
Feb 2023

GD Fall 2022
GD Spring 2021
GD Fall 2020

All newsletters,
back issues, including GD and NMD.

The USGS Retirees Newsletter is critical to our mission -- "keeping members in touch with each other and their former agency". Many retirees believe it is the most informative and important of all our communications efforts. A copy of the Newsletter is sent to each of our members, plus a copy is provided to more than 200 USGS offices throughout the country. We are committed to delivering the highest quality and most interesting Newsletter possible.

We know you enjoy reading about your fellow retirees. Please take a few minutes putting together an update on your activities for the "News of Retirees" section of the next Newsletter. Send your "News" via email to, by US Mail to WRD RETIREES, P.O. Box 280, Herndon, Virginia 20172, or by phone to 703-596-5468. PLEASE NOTE: The Newsletter is open to the public, including search engines. Please do not send us articles for the newsletter unless you accept this condition.

The USGS Retirees Newsletter is distributed using US mail, email and our web page. One of the things we decided in Nashville was that we will go completely electronic for the newsletter and directory unless you let us know you want a hard copy. We are short on volunteers to stuff envelopes for these mailings and they are costly as well. Please let us ( know if you want to have a hard copy.

Receiving the Newsletter electronically is faster, in full color, saves costs to USGS Retirees for printing and distributing the Newsletter and reduces the burden of USGS Retiree volunteers who distribute the Newslett Website contact: